More than 100 AILA publications, including Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook, as well as the Immigration & Nationality Act, the immigration sections of the Code of Federal Regulations, decisions, forms and government guides and manuals such as the Foreign Affairs Manual. Statutes and regulations are updated regularly.
This database is for making informed decisions on legal issues. Includes exclusive D.C market information and competitive intelligence, special reports on national trends in practice of law, litigation, legal education and commentary by most prominent practitioners. Use this link for instructions on how to create your own Username/Password through
The Art and Cultural Property database consists of 2 sets of resources: International Cultural Property Ownership and Export Legislation (ICPOEL) and Case Law and Statutes (CLS). ICPOEL provides summaries and links to full-text legislation from many different countries around the world and includes some historical legislation as well. Links are to official and unofficial English translations of foreign laws as well the full-text statutes in the vernacular, in many cases. The Case Law and Statutes section includes summaries of cases mostly from the United States with links to federal and state statutes. Summaries of settlements are included. Researchers can browse a topic to see cases and other relevant materials including the image of the art work or antiquity that was the subject of the controversy.
Access through the link above. After logging-in, users will have the option to register a personal account, but they must be on-campus to create a personal account. To use their personal account when off-campus, students log-in using the personal username/password they created and click the “Remote Login” button on the Login page.
Bloomberg Law provides current law, news and analysis in numerous subject areas, including antitrust, ethics, taxation and more. Law faculty, staff and students may subscribe to automatic e-mail alerts within the Bloomberg Law News section of the page.
CALI provides hundreds of interactive exercises written by law faculty and librarians. The exercises are designed to enhance traditional education or to be integrated into course materials. They cover a great variety of topics, including Administrative Law, Contracts, Evidence, Examination Skills, and many more. The web page requires users to register. The registration requires a Law School Authorization Code password. (Instructions to register for CALI)
Checkpoint is a comprehensive tax research system including RIA's Federal, State, Local, International, Estate Planning, Pension, Benefits and Payroll products. It includes RIA's Federal Tax Coordinator (annotations arranged by subject), and the USTR (United States Tax Reporter - annotations arranged by U.S. Code section). It also includes international tax treaties, tax legislative history, state-by-state tax code comparisons, and the RIA tax e-mail alert service. WG & L journals and journal previews include Journal of Taxation, Journal of Corporate Taxation, Journal of Taxation of Exempt Organizations and Journal of Multistate Taxation and Incentives. Tax and Commercial Laws of the World includes English translations of foreign Income and Corporate Tax Law, Commercial Codes and selected other laws affecting financial transactions. Users should register to access all features of Checkpoint. Use this link to access the registration page:
Phased out by the Shriver Center on Poverty Law, the Clearinghouse Review was a bimonthly journal billed as "the nation's intellectual marketplace for legal aid lawyers and others to share ideas and plant seeds for legal and policy innovation." Older issues are available through Hein Online.
Contains federal legislative material, such as congressional bills, reports, and hearings. Most publications are searchable by keyword or by citation, in addition to other terms, such as witness or bill sponsor. Congressional also includes the U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection 1789-1989, Senate Executive Documents, the Congressional Record, Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports, Committee Prints and GAO Reports from 2004 to present.
Savvy, award-winning coverage of legal departments, how they devise and carry out their companies' business strategy. Survey includes data on earnings, outside law firms, use of technology, demographics. IP coverage featuring tech companies, pharma, copyright and trademark issues. Includes corporate governance, labor advice. Use this link for instructions on how to create your own Username/Password through
A weekly index of articles from over 500 legal periodicals. CILP is available 4-6 weeks before commercial legal periodical indexes such as the Index to Legal Periodicals, Legal Trac or the Current Law Index. Also, see SmartCILP where users can create customized weekly alerts to new articles.
The Daily Business Review is news for South Florida lawyers and business professionals. Official court newspaper for Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Use this link for instructions on how to create your own Username/Password through
Elgar Advanced Introductions to Law Online - Each book provides an introduction to essential principles in major fields of law with an emphasis on international and comparative law.
(Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law) The Encyclopedia has over 1000 articles that provide in-depth commentary on public international and comparative law. Encyclopedia articles are fully searchable or browseable using the list of subject or index terms. Content can also be browsed by case name, treaty, geographic area, name of conflict and more. Oxford Law Citator symbol provides links to related case decisions (when available in Oxford Reports on International Law and other parts of the Encyclopedia.
The Environmental Law Reporter (ELR) - From the Environmental Law Institute, is a database of state, federal and international primary law sources searchable by a topical index or by author, document title, document number or date. Also includes Guidance and Policy documents, the ELR Journal, and ELR Update, an e-mail news service.
The University of Miami School of Law Library possesses an important collection of Everglades litigation documents. The collection contains materials gathered from over fifty lawsuits concerning the ecological degradation of the Everglades.
An alternative to Westlaw and Lexis for case law research, offers advanced searching on state and federal cases. Free to members of the Florida Bar, students may want to experience Fastcase which uses relevancy ranking to sort results and enables printing of cases with original pagination in .pdf format.
Opinions from the State of Florida Commission on Ethics from 1974 forward. This site also includes rules and orders of the Commission.
Search judicial decisions from Florida Law Weekly – Florida Supreme Court, District Court of Appeals and Attorney General decisions from 1995 – present; Get cross citations to official reporters. Florida Law Weekly Federal – U.S. Supreme Court, District Court, Bankruptcy Court and 11th Circuit decisions from March 2001. Florida Law Weekly Supplement – Florida Circuit and County Court decisions and selected reports from Florida public agencies from October 1992. Sign-up for e-mail alerts of new decisions.
Comprehensive guide to the sources of law and the legal systems of most countries. For each country, the Guide also has a subject listing which provides specific laws, and English translations, if any, for each topic.
Global Arbitration Review publishes six issues per year providing news and analysis from arbitrators at law firms and corporations on topics such as investment treaty arbitration, commercial and maritime/offshore arbitration and litigation. Also available are Guides to Regional Arbitration, interviews with practitioners, surveys and lists of leading arbitrators such as the GAR 100. Password required for off-campus/wireless access.
Global Jurist is a forum for "cyber-debate" on such issues as comparative law, law and economics, and legal anthropology. Global Jurist is actually three separate publications: Global Jurist Advances, Global Jurist Frontiers and Global Jurist Topics. (Click tabs near top of page for each publication.) Access is available anywhere on campus or, if not on campus, a password can be e-mailed to a account. (See My Account. Be careful to enter the password exactly as issued.)
Hein Online has major library collections in domestic and international law, current and historical. In addition to the Law Journal Library (including issues of journals and law reviews), U.S. materials include congressional, executive, administrative and supreme court materials, legislative history, historical state statutes and legislation, early American cases and records of legal associations such as the AALS, ALI and the ABA. Hein also contains numerous international law resources including United Nations documents, treaties and agreements, world constitutions and publications of scholarly organizations such as the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law and the Hague Academy of International Law. Classic legal texts, historical English law and World Trials are among the numerous other libraries contained within HeinOnline.
IBFD Tax Research Platform - International tax treaties and country by country analysis and comparisons of tax laws for most jurisdictions of the world. Also includes case law on tax treaties, and EU direct taxation cases. Includes the following journals: Bulletin for International Taxation, European Taxation, World Tax Journal and Finance and Capital Markets.
The Dispute Resolution Library contains ICC dispute resolution awards, the Rules since 1922, the ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin since 1990, the Court of Arbitration statistical reports since 1997, all Commission on Arbitration reports, all ICC publications including the Enforcement Guide and Institute of World Business Law Dossiers, and more.
The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals indexes articles from more than 450 legal periodicals from 1960 to the present. The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals covers international law (public and private), comparative law, and municipal law of countries other than the United States, British Isles, and British Commonwealth.
The Index To Legal Periodicals indexes articles from legal periodicals (beginning as early as 1981, depending on the periodical) and indexes law books (since 1993). The Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective covers periodicals from 1918 to 1981. Researchers can search one or both databases at the same time. Periodical coverage includes law reviews, bar journals, institutes, government publications and more.
The Inside US Trade's World Trade Online provides daily news and analysis of international trade developments.
The Art and Cultural Property database consists of 2 sets of resources: International Cultural Property Ownership and Export Legislation (ICPOEL) and Case Law and Statutes (CLS). ICPOEL provides summaries and links to full-text legislation from many different countries around the world and includes some historical legislation as well. Links are to official and unofficial English translations of foreign laws as well the full-text statutes in the vernacular, in many cases. The Case Law and Statutes section includes summaries of cases mostly from the United States with links to federal and state statutes. Summaries of settlements are included. Researchers can browse a topic to see cases and other relevant materials including the image of the art work or antiquity that was the subject of the controversy.
News and analysis on investor state dispute settlement claims. Password required.
Investor State Law Guide is an online database designed for researching investment treaty law. Research tools such as the Subject Navigator, Treaty Article Citator, Jurisprudence Citator and Full Text Search take you directly to where specific issues and sub-issues are dealt with by tribunals in decisions and awards. Terms and Phrases allows you to find decisions and awards defining or discussing the law related to terms in treaties or commonly used in investment law. The full-text of treaties and arbitral rules are also included. To access the database, click on the Log In button in the top right of the screen.
Jotwell is an online journal that publishes short essays (usually about 1,000 words) in which leading scholars identify an important recent article or book relating to the law and explain why it deserves a wide readership. The Journal currently has sections devoted to administrative law, constitutional law, corporate law, cyberlaw, intellectual property law, jurisprudence, the legal profession, tax law, trusts and estates, and work law. Future sections will include civil procedure, contract law, international law, legal history, property law, and torts. Most law journals expect reviewers to point out flaws in the work being reviewed. Jotwell, however, recruits leading scholars and asks them to explain to their colleagues and to the bar why a recent work is good and why others should read it. Jotwell provides a way to find out what's new, important, and interesting in key areas of the law.
This database of international arbitration law includes thousands of awards, settlements, decisions, and procedural orders from around the world. It also includes documentation such as pleadings, expert opinions, amicus and witness statements. Multilingual searching is enabled. Books and articles from the ICC Dispute Resolution Library, the IBA and Juris Publishing are integrated with search results or can be browsed separately. Quick summaries of law and cases provided by international arbitration lawyers are also included.
This database provides the most extensive collection of judicial opinions and arbitral awards from around the world in the field of international commercial arbitration. It also includes leading Kluwer treatises on international arbitration, articles and primary documents. First time users, create a new user ID and password using your law school email address. provides a 6 month archive of national and regional newspapers including American Lawyer, National Law Journal, Corporate Counsel, Daily Business Review, LegalTech News, Supreme Court Brief and more. Older articles can be found on Lexis. Also includes commentary and analysis by attorneys and ALM reports on trends in the judiciary, the legal industry and legal education. Annual law firm rankings and profiles are here too. Use this link to create your own Username/Password. (Be sure to register with your email address.)
Current awareness and newsletters for many different areas of law, including corporate, banking, public policy, tax, technology, and much more.
Each LSN journal issue contains abstracts of recent working or accepted papers and comes in the form of individually delivered e-mail messages. Each journal is edited by a law professor with expertise in the field covered by the journal. Each abstract is accompanied by an e-mail address for the author, whom you can contact to obtain a full copy of any paper you are interested in, and often a web site address from which the paper can be downloaded free of charge. To sign-up for the e-mail service, click on "Subscribe to e-journal alerts," then "Legal Scholarship Network Site licenses," then "join an existing site."
LegalTrac indexes over 800 legal periodicals by subject or keyword. Coverage begins around 1980 for most journals. For earlier articles, check Hein Online.
Online legal research service for legal and law related materials and services, including searches of United States and international legal materials, journals, and more.
The LexisNexis Digital Library provides easy access to hundreds of treatises published by LexisNexis and the Florida Bar as well as the popular study aid series: Understanding and Questions & Answers. Books can be browsed by subject area or search the whole library. Links take you directly to statutes and cases on Lexis Plus. Please note that some Florida Bar titles can only be loaned to one user at a time but most titles are available to an unlimited number of users. To access, law faculty, students and staff need to sign in using their law school email address. Then enter the verification code that will be sent to that email address. An app is also availabe. Get the LexisNexis Digital Library App (available for iOS or Android) and use the code: miamilaw
For further instructions see: LexisNexis Digital Library Help page.
The Law Library Microform Consortium is digitizing its microform content which includes collections of U.S. Federal and State legal materials and much more. The collection is a work-in-progress. Current collections include: Federal Legislative, Executive and Judicial Materials, U.S. State Court Reports, Military Law, The Common Law Abroad.
Historical collection of American and British legal treatises from the 19th to the early 20th Century (1800- 1926). Approximately 100 different subjects are covered. Theoretical as well as practical works are included together with casebooks, pamphlets, forms, letters and speeches. Full-text and keyword searching is available or you can browse by subject, author or title. See also LegalTrac.
Abstracts and full-text of the National Bureau of Economic Research's Working Paper Series available on the web. NBER also offers an e-mail Bulletin which announces the latest papers in the series.
News and special reports and other articles of importance to the legal profession. Use this link for instructions on how to create your own Username/Password through
Create your own account to access the New York Times - just follow the instructions on the linked page and be sure to use your University of Miami email address. Once you create the account, you can log in from anywhere.
Contains 20 continuously updated treatises on law governing debtor rights, credit and banking, consumer litigation, deceptive practices and warranties. Sample titles are Student Loan Law, Consumer Bankruptcy, Collection Actions and Foreclosures and Mortgage Servicing. Also has current news and over 2,000 pleadings,forms and primary sources. You can search across all titles or browse titles individually. Easy to use library-wide index takes you to relevant sections.
Oxford Handbooks Online provide good starting points for research on Comparative Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Empirical Legal Research, EU Law, International Environmental Law, International Financial and Investment Law, International Trade Law, Islamic Law, Law of the Sea, War, Healthcare, Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, Legal Studies, Sports Law, and more.
Published on behalf of the Faculty of Law in the University of Oxford. It includes articles on all areas of law with an emphasis on the relationship between law and other disciplines. Full text of the journal is available from 1999 to date.
This is a fully searchable database of selected cases in public international law from domestic courts and courts of general jurisdiction around the world. Courts of General Jurisdiction include ICJ, PICJ, PCA and ITLOS. Cases appear in their original language but key passages have been translated into English and all cases have searchable headnotes in English. Also includes commentary on the legal issues in the case and historical and legal context. The Oxford Law Citator links related content available on the service, updates the case and provides additional bibliographic references to outside sources. The components of the service available through this subscription are: Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts and Oxford Reports on International Law in Courts of General Jurisdiction (ICJ, PICJ, PCA and ITLOS), and International Human Rights Law.
Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL) contains full-text online editions of the reference books and treatises on international law published by Oxford University Press. It includes the Oxford Commentaries on International Law series and classic texts. All texts link to relevant case reports in Oxford Reports in International Law.
Publishes current refugee and country information through a selection of articles, conference reports, documents, abstracts and bibliographies. Full text of the journal is available from 2001 to date.
The Review of Law and Economics is published in cooperation with the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) and the Berkeley Electronic Press.
Richter Library provides students, faculty and staff with a wide variety of electronic databases and journals.
SmartCILP indexes over 500 legal periodicals from the Current Index to Legal Periodicals. A profile is set-up for each individual according to his/her subject and periodical interests. Each week an e-mail message is sent to the individual listing articles that match the profile. To set up a SmartCILP profile, go to the SmartCILP Web site. Click on Create or Change a SmartCILP Profile, and fill-in the boxes for your name, e-mail address and affiliation (University of Miami Law Library).
Composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences. Each network contains abstracts and full-text papers some of which are working papers. Free registration is required to download full-text papers. Faculty can subscribe to journals from the following 4 networks: the Legal Scholarship Network, the Financial Economics Network, the Management Research Network and the Economic Research Network.
South Florida Business Journal is available to University of Miami School of Law--Students, Faculty and Staff. This includes the Books of Lists, and the archives. First-time users need to use this link, “Create Your Free Membership/Business Journal password” to create a password. Be sure to use your law school email address to register.
The Tax Analysts site includes daily Tax Notes Today, State Tax Today, Worldwide Tax Daily, Exempt Organizations Tax Today, Worldwide Tax Treaties and the Federal Research Tax Library. Law School faculty, students and staff can register for online delivery of any or all of the daily newsletters to their law school e-mail address by selecting any of the publication titles and clicking on MY TAX NOTES/Manage Email Subscriptions. Includes a searchable archive back to 1987 and Tax Treaties going back to 1828. Password: First-time users need to register a profile and create their own username/password to use the site. You must be within law school IP range in order to register! To register, go to: and click SIGN IN. Enter your law school email address as your username. Click NEXT and then click on REGISTER to complete your profile and create your own password. Click SAVE CHANGES. Use the username/password you created to sign in to the site and to select the publications you would like to have delivered to you. Once registered, you can sign in from anywhere using the username/password you created.
This online service aims to be a portal for news, insight and discussion of new developments in global transnational dispute management. Topics include international commercial arbitration, investment arbitration, mediation, negotiation and conflict avoidance. The service consists of the TDM Journal plus selected articles from other journals since 2004. There is also a growing collection of investment awards, laws, regulations and other sources of law. OGEMID (oil gas energy infrastructure and investment disputes) is an internet-based intelligence service and discussion group. The OGEMID archive is searchable on TDM.
Theoretical Inquiries in Law is published by the Cegla Institute for Comparative and Private International Law of the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law. Although the print issues are published two times per year, the electronic version is updated continuously. "The Journal specializes in the application to legal problems of insights developed in other disciplines, such as moral and political theory, epistemology, cognitive psychology, etc." Access is available anywhere on campus or, if not on campus, a password can be e-mailed to a account. (See My Account. Be careful to enter the password exactly as issued.)
United States Law Week reports weekly on the proceedings, opinions and activities of the United States Supreme Court and other federal courts. Contents include Legal News Highlights and Case Alert Highlights. The Legal News section contains thorough reviews of developments in the law including pending legislation, rules decisions or reaction to new court decisions. The Summary & Analysis section, discusses certain cases in depth. Analysis & Perspective provides a more in-depth review of issues in the Legal News. The Circuit Split Roundup is a monthly feature describing differences between federal circuit courts of appeals on points of law. The Supreme Court Today component of the service is a searchable database of the status of certiorari petitions, full-text Supreme Court opinions, summaries of selected oral arguments, an upcoming oral argument schedule and an annual Review of Term section that analyzes some of the major topics considered that term.
Consists of numbered Senate and House Documents and Senate and House Reports as well as executive agency and departmental reports ordered to be printed by Congress. The collection also includes American State Papers and all maps, illustrations, photos, and lithographs found within the U.S. Serial Set during the time period 1789-1969 and 1970-89. The collection is part of ProQuest Congressional database and can be searched under the "Historical Full-text" tab.
U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978 is a fully searchable digital archive containing 150 years of U.S. Supreme Court records and briefs. All briefs are included. The record for a case may contain the following types of documents: motions, petitions, oral transcripts, transcripts of the trial record, applications for writ, appendices, letter briefs and jurisdictional statements. All cases are included whether or not heard by the Court.
VLex Global is an extensive collection of current foreign law with a focus on Latin America and Europe. Includes legislation, cases, journals, books, news as well as commentary from practicing lawyers in over 100 jurisdictions.
Wall Street Journal will direct you to log in with your CaneID and password, and then leads you to a "Create Account" page. Once you have created an account, you can log in from anywhere.
West Academic Study Aids includes all Hornbooks, Nutshells, Exam Pro and Acing Series, Black Letter Outlines, Gilberts Law Summaries, Sum and Substance audios, and much more. Users can create their own account using their law school email address to make it easier to access these titles from anywhere, download titles to read offline, including on a mobile device, and highlight, take notes and save favorites.
Online legal research service for legal and law related materials and services, including searches of United States and international legal materials, journals, and more.